4/5/2020 Staying Safe while Pregnant & Postpartum
So I haven't written much because as other than the increasing number of cases and deaths from COVID-19 throughout the country not much...
4/5/2020 Staying Safe while Pregnant & Postpartum
Masks? Masks!
She's a little upset with this coronavirus
Postpartum checklist preparation
Can I have my partner be with me at the Delivery?
Scheduled Cesareans are not elective
Tips for our patients in health care
Fetal testing is now available in our office
Should I have a home birth or deliver outside of the hospital?
3/22/2020 Extraordinary acts of kindness & more pregnancy resources
3/20/2020 Silver lining
3/20/2020 Remembering the Good Things
3/18/2020 Managing Mental Stress
3/17/2020 At least the sun was shining!
Does it really matter if I stay home ?
3/16/2020 Tips for patients
We'll call you !
COVID-19 update 3/15/2020