Stay tuned because these could change in the next few days. The new policy is that all visitors to the hospital ( including partners on L&D) should either show proof of vaccination or a negative covid test within 72 hours of admission. Now, if you go into the hospital in labor and neither of the above are available then they will still allow your partner but they will not be allowed to leave the room and come back. For laboring patients I don't think they are being extremely strict but that could change in the next few weeks.
I think in order to prevent any issues, please just have all partners get vaccinated. The FDA just approved the Pfizer vaccine officially, not just Emergency use so hopefully that helps convince more people.
Here is a story, similar to the one I posted last time but with a completely different and terrible outcome.
Again, the difference was availability of a very expensive, rare treatment called ECMO. It is really heart-breaking, the only thing they wished is that she had been vaccinated but they don't mention that until the very end of the article. We are seeing break-though Covid cases, however, still > 90 % of hospitalized COVID patients are unvaccinated (I don't have an exact percentage that is up to date). So, please just go get it. Health care workers are tired and frustrated that they have to take on risk and the public is not trying to protect them. We could see staffing rates really plummet if the pandemic continues and this will affect everything people have come to expect from the modern health care system.
Someone told me that 50,000 people have died after getting the COVID-19 vaccine, so I decided to do some research into the actual numbers since I knew this was not true.
According to VAERS ( Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) which anyone can report to and physicians have to report deaths after the vaccine, even if the vaccine was not the cause of death. The number after >350 million ( 350,000,000) doses was 6,789 and that is 0.0019%. The actual analysis to assess causality is ongoing but it does not look like there is actual causality from the vaccines. Total death rates from COVID is 65,228 out 4.35 million cases in the California which is 1.6% which is big difference! I am annoyed that people are spouting out facts because they read them on Facebook without really looking at the data. I guess these days everyone is a "researcher." If I was a real researcher or statistician I would be offended.
Correction to a previous post : The monoclonal antibodies are no long "BAM" but something called REGEN-COV - casirivimab and imdevimab, Sorry about that!