Wishing you all the happiest Thanksgiving possible this year. I realize it is not the same but I hope you all have someone you are able to share the day with. A lot of patients have been asking about travel by plane during the holidays all the doctors at PACWHA agree that this is not a good idea this year. Driving would be a better option as long as the people at the destination have also been following social distancing guidelines. Sorry, we know that everyone looks forward to seeing distant family during the holidays. If you are seeing people, I hope they are people you have been "quaran-team-ing" with and please don't add new or out of town guests. If you are pregnant or high risk continue to be vigilant with mask wearing and social distance, if you socialize please do so outside.
Here are the recommendations from the CDC regarding the holidays and I think these are pretty reasonable. I know the CDC has been all over the place the last few months.
Happy Turkey Day!
